Monday, February 4, 2013

Reminder for you

Have you ever catch yourself giving yourself self-pity?

Have you ever felt that the situation you are in now is the worst thing ever? Have you felt that it's impossible to get out of what you are in now? Have you ever kept repeating certain negative questions and statements in your mind that you feel like exploding? Have you ever felt the need to find something to do, anything at all, to keep your mind off that problem in your head?

You start to find distractions. You start to find new replacements for whatever that is you want to replace in your heart.

Because the old can't satisfy you anymore. Or maybe because you're frustrated by the old.

It doesn't matter.

Whenever I catch myself in situations like this, I love to remind myself certain things:

Look, the wind. It still glides care-freely around you.
It's still the same flutter of air that cools the sweat on the back of your neck while you're standing on the green school field on that hot sunny Sports Day, 6 years ago.
It's the same breeze that made your skirt puff up like a little Chinese lantern on that outing you went with your friends.
It's the same gust that made your hair all messy when you stick your head out during a refreshing car ride in the mountains with your brother.

Look at the the sky above you.
It's still the same blue hues in the sky you see when you were a little girl of 5.
And the comforting sight of fluffy white clouds still hovers above you.

You can always count on the sun to appear. It still shines brightly, ever so proudly.
You don't need to ask the moon to come out every night. It does so on its own, romancing the night.
You shan't ask the billions of stars to accompany the moon either, they gladly graced the night sky, producing their own unique and tiny shines of their own.

Since the creation of the world, the sun, moon, stars- and from the biggest most powerful blue whale in the depths of the Pacific ocean to the chirping of a feeble old cricket outside in your garden- all these creation have seen more suffering in humans then we have seen for ourselves.

If the sun could speak, it would have millions of stories to tell. Imagine the things it has seen under it's 'govern'.
It the moon and stars could converse, they would tell of how they watched over the night. It would have stories of horror yet still have hope and peace for each of us.

Throughout history, these creations have witness the big things like the American Civil War, which costs lives of a million people yet set countless souls free from oppression and slavery.

These creations have also quietly witness tiny miracles that are happening each day. The birth of a fawn by a doe. The way two young strangers met and fall in love. The way a bubbly cute baby girl turns into a beautiful elegant young lady. Or even the mysteries of how a cancer patient was completely and naturally cured.

But ultimately, I bet the elements in the sky are bursting to tell the story of how a baby boy was born on Bethlehem one night, and how the heavens opened up to shot for joy. How choirs of angles graced the sky that day and how melodic they sang.

You know, when I think of what the sun, the moon and stars have seen...

When I remind myself that these creations remain the same from the first day of creation until now, never changing because of the situation I am in, I am reminded that my God is the same yesterday, today and forever. I am reminded that my problem or whatever it is that is 'bothering' me in my heart & mind, is nothing.

It is nothing.

And if I continue to let my tiny problems bother me, well, that just isn't very smart, is it?

So if you ever catch yourself shamelessly feeling pity for yourself, remember this:

The sun will continue to shine. The rain will continue to water the earth. The night will continue to give rest and comfort to people.
If life could go on, so could I.

I'm glad I can see all these.
Thank God for creating all these wonderful creations around me :)

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