Monday, October 22, 2012

Rain Down

[Rain down on me, here in Your presence I am free.]

She can't remember the last time she felt this carefree.
This was what she had been wishing for... for some time.
Maybe she just need some time away from the drama. Maybe she just needed space to breathe.

And honestly, it felt so good. It's like a blast of fresh air after being stuck in a tiny box for hours.

When she threw her head back to laughed, she realized that she hadn't felt this real in ages.
There was nothing nagging her at the back of her mind.
There was no one to stand on guard for.
There was no one to care.

Deep down, she also knows that this won't last forever. She will have to go back to face the music.

But at least she knows she can come back to this place and to this group of people where she doesn't have to put on a mask.

But what surprises her is that she doesn't really mind going back to the life she belonged.
Because she knows this is life.

You can't get everything you want in life.
There will be times where it will be hurtful and confusing.
There will be times where you feel helpless and trapped.
There will be times where you have to smile and laugh even though that's the last expression you want to show.

But if you want the sweetness, you have to taste the bitterness. If you want the joy, you have to feel the pain. Perhaps it's because of the two extreme opposites that makes us appreciate the better one.

But ultimately, she knows... she knows this phase she's going through is to built up her character.
She knows her Father loves her way too much to simply place her in this part of life without providing or planning something greater and better when she walks out of it.

She's starting to see the clearer picture now, even though it's not the full picture, she's slowly starting to see.
She's starting to understand.

It's true what they say: It's not the destination that counts, it's the journey.
Now, she just needs to focus on continuing this journey in a way that will benefit her and the people around her the most.

Sounds so far-fetched , self-sacrificing and difficult huh?
The truth is far from it.

But hey, have you met this girl's Father?
With Him around what's impossible? ;)

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